Lovely Irena has a message for the holidays:

The New Year is coming. It’s time to think what 2003 was like, to answer the question whether nations and peoples came to proper conclusions about how to make the world better. Unfortunately this has not been happening; quite the opposite – the world is still in a fire of tribal, racial and national wars.

Therefore, I wish for everyone that the coming year 2004 extinguish all conflicts, all flames of war that destroy entire nations, kill thousands of people, also those happenings which harm the most innocent – the children. I wish everybody in the world, everybody dear to my heart regardless of race, religion and descent, to remember during all their actions about dignity of other persons, about their sufferings and needs, to always seek the way to mutual understanding and agreement.

As we finish this year, we need to be full of faith and hope that good will prevail at last.